Monday, January 24, 2011

Little Hoi Annie

Hoi An is about as cute as it's name. If there is such a thing as a sleepy town in Vietnam this would be as close as it gets. Once a great trading port, the Japanese influenced town is know for its silks, paper lanterns, and custom made garments. Suits and nice leather shoes are the things to buy here. Good thing I don't needs any of that.

The river and shops are a special sight at night all lit up by colorful glowing ornaments shining all over town. This is probably first place I've been in Asia that my mother wouldn't hate... at least five square blocks of it.

It's a place that would be nice to stay for a few days, but the traveling situation gave us the choice to either be here a day and a half or stay longer than a week. We chose to move on.

There is unusually crummy weather in all of northern southeast Asia and it's pretty wet here. We are going much further north tonight and it's said to be super cold. Time to bundle up again.

Location:Hoi An Vietnam

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