Thursday, February 10, 2011

What would Rolf do?

Quite often I find myself asking, "what would the Buddha do?". I have many times swap it for, "what would Rolf do?". Each time I am lead to the most peaceful and pleasant solution.

There are also moments, like today, where I was debating whether or not to take another run down the river in an inner tube enjoying the reckless shanagans that the experience provides. Asiana is taking it easy today. The river beat her up good yesterday. What would Rolf do? Make sure his beloved was as comfortable as possible and go for another wild river ride.

There will be a day when I think, "wouldn't it be great to be floating a lazy river through the Laos mountains in a hot day sipping cheap BeerLao? ". I had to make sure I took advantage of the yummy moments life has to offer. I think the Buddha love tubing.

Location:VV Laos

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