We will be spending the next four days and three nights making our way back to family and friends. It's time for the final journey home. After what will be 17 flights, 15 long bus rides, 5 boats, 4 epic train trips, and countless taxis, rickshaws, tut-tuks, minivans, motorbikes , and scooters we will have made it full circle. Wow!
I have done my best to write a bit about each place, to give a basic outline of the day, and even sometimes spill a few thought and feelings while recalling interesting moments. Yet, the juice of the journey is in the details. The thousands of conversations had with hundreds of people, both travelers and locals. Each meal, good and bad. Witnessing every event from the slow sunrises to the crazy monkey-dog fight. From the kids playing on the sidewalk to the forests of butterflies. From the colorful lizards making it's way across the hotel wall to the brutal motorbike accidents. It seems like I was present for every bit of it. More present than I am at home.
Can I return and embrace moment to moment existence? Is it just an excuse that I think life is too fast? I have not heard my cell phone in three months. No text messages or instant chats. Emails have been extremely brief and few and none concerning work. Oh yea, work. I have not thought about one snip it of code. No "server down - batch file errors - reports aren't running". I have not been pacing around on my back porch trying to come up with a solution to another of the never ending challenges of how to make things run for my company.
My mind has been very still. I am not even distracted by other conversations since I don't understand what's being said. There are no other stories besides the one that is happening right now. Now! Now! Now!
Location:Ko Tao Thailand
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