Friday, December 24, 2010

Rishikesh Day 2

Woke up late and missed the morning yoga classes, but thankful to have caught up on some sleep. After breakfast we decided to take a trek to some waterfalls we had read about not far out of town.

We walked down a trafficless dirt road winding north along the Ganga. There was a different breed of monkey that seemed to prefer to stay outside of the town. They were all white with black faces and white large. While the smaller pink faced monkeys in the village seemed to argue among themselves and generally appeared as if up to no good, the forest monkeys were grooming each other in the tree while the younger ones jumped around, flipping and playing.

We took a path off the road that went steeply up the hill. We were the only ones on it. I was completely lush and serene. I was nice to be completely away from the noise and most importantly the dust that seems to exist everywhere there is a road nearby.

The falls were pretty small, but we loved being there non the less. We swam in the pools and relaxed on the rock while soaking up the tranquility.

Upon our return many hours later we ate (there's lots of places to eat and lots of eating to do here) and then we went to a meditation at our ashram. While it was a beautiful meditation and his words were relaxing, I just could not get into it. I did not feel very present and my mind was far from quiet.

We went our afterwards and had one last evening Ginger lemon honey tea before retiring.

Location:Rishikesh India

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